Mat 5:8 – Geseënd is die wat rein van hart is want hulle sal God sien.
Laasweek het ons gehoor:
Die top 3 redes vir ons bestaan as kind van God is:
Mat 15 en Mar 7 verwys na n hele paar dinge wat van binne uit die hart kom, wat n mens onrein maak:
31% van die wereld se bevolking is Christene.
Volgense aanlyn opnames:
Anders as wat meeste mense dink, is die wortel oorsaak agter n pornografie probleem nie wellus (lust) nie, maar die behoefte om geliefd te wees.
Jy kan nie die vrug (pornografie) aanspreek as jy nie eers by die wortel van die probleem uitkom nie.
Brein Disfunksie
Several chemicals are produced by the brain for the purposes of learning, controlling emotions, sensing cravings, handling cravings, etc. Dopamine is the most significant of these chemicals. Dopamine is a pleasure chemical, a neurotransmitter that carries neurological information relating to emotions, awareness of cravings and sense of pleasure. Large amounts of dopamine create a sense of euphoria and ecstasy. Dopamine produces a “high” which brings temporary relief, comfort or fulfillment.
When we look at porn, a supercharged amount of dopamine floods the brain and an artificial high is created. The brain’s pleasure center spikes, and we experience euphoria and ecstasy. Repeated exposure to porn causes the brain to be repeatedly overloaded and become fatigued, and the dopamine receptors begin to shut down. When this happens, the same experience does not produce the same result, causing a more frequent and more intense experience to bring the same “high” or euphoric experience. We seek the next dopamine dump or “fix” at any cost. And thus, an addiction is born.
This process of supercharging the brain begins to cause degeneration of the frontal lobe and produces multiple negative effects. Negative results include reduced concentration, depression, blurring of reality, anxiety, fatigue, lack of motivation, withdrawal from social activities, reduced willpower, impotance with your spouse and erectile dysfunction just to name a few. With the flood of chemicals overloading the brain, the pleasure center of the brain becomes so fatigued that it becomes increasingly difficult to experience pleasure in normal everyday life.
The dopamine rush is short lasting and soon wears off. You go back to real life and you bump into your old feelings of being unloved again.
Additionally, with porn, the brain is unable to “bond” to the image on the screen like a real person. The unsuccessful attempt to do so leaves the brain with a “short circuit” type of experience resulting in intensifying the need to try again and facilitates the unsatisfied feeling a short time after the sexual release.
The inability to bond to the image on the screen leaves the brain confused in areas of intimacy. We as humans are designed to bond to another person emotionally, relationally, and physically. We call this intimacy.
When the brain relates images to a sexual fantasy or sexual act, it begins to replace the originally wired brain structure of desiring human contact and emotional intimacy with that of the image, hence objectification. The brain actually begins to see other people as body parts for the purpose of our pleasure rather than another person to bond with in a healthy self-giving relationship.
When looking at porn, how many times have you watched a scene and asked yourself: What’s her real name? I wonder what her hobbies are? Does she have any kids? Does she like camping? What’s her favorite food?
No, of course not! You’re thinking how good she looks and picturing yourself as the person with her or him. You’re thinking of how much pleasure her / she could bring you. And when you are done and turn off your computer, he/she is forgotten. The person was merely an object for your enjoyment, no different than a new item that was purchased–some “thing” to enjoy.
Without realizing it, this perception bleeds to the people you see in daily life. Co-workers, bank tellers, a random woman or man walking down the street–all become objects. You may not be seeing the “person,” but rather an object or a sum total of body parts.
Mat 5:8 – Geseend is die wat rein van hart is, want hulle sal God sien
Pornografie is egbreuk as jy getroud is en hoerery as jy nie getroud is nie.
Mat 5:27-28
27 “Julle het gehoor dat daar gesê is: ‘Jy mag nie egbreuk pleeg nie.
28 Maar Ek sê vir julle: Elkeen wat na ‘n vrou kyk en haar begeer, het reeds in sy hart met haar egbreuk gepleeg.
29 “As jou regteroog jou laat struikel, haal hom uit en gooi hom van jou af weg; want dit is vir jou beter dat net een van jou ledemate verlore gaan as dat jou hele liggaam in die hel gegooi word.
30 Of as jou regterhand jou laat struikel, kap hom af en gooi hom van jou af weg; want dit is vir jou beter dat net een van jou ledemate verlore gaan as dat jou hele liggaam in die hel beland.”
Egbreuk se gevaar: Mat 5:29 – jou ewige eindbestemming is in gevaar…
1 Kor 6:9-10 (hoerery se gevaar)
9 Of weet julle nie dat die onregverdiges die koninkryk van God nie sal beërwe nie? 10 Moenie dwaal nie! Geen hoereerders of afgodedienaars of egbrekers of wellustelinge of sodomiete of diewe of gierigaards of dronkaards of kwaadsprekers of rowers sal die koninkryk van God beërwe nie.
Liggaamlik vernietig jy jouself en geestelik kan dit jou ewige dood beteken. Daar is niks goed aan pornografie nie.
ASB, ASB – begin deur te kies en NEE te sê vir pornografie
Nee vir nee kan jy sondige gewoontes breek en nuwe Godelike gewoontes vorm.
Friedel se email:
Lerie se email:
Proses begin van accountability en genesing
pornografie, ooreet, ander verslawende gewoontes
Gebed (gemeente staan saam):
Ons sal graag wil hoor wat die impak was wat Vibrant Hearts op jou lewe gehad het. Deel dit met ons hier: